How large is Sipson Island?
Total size is 24.3 acres. Sipson Island Trust will own and manage 22 acres. The remainder is privately owned, under a separate conservation restriction that limits development.
How can I get there? Do you offer service to the island?
See our Island Access page. At present, there is no organized transportation to Sipson Island, either by SIT or commercial services. Access is by private vessel only.
Where on the island can I land?
As indicated on this map, paddled craft may be landed on either the east or west shores. Powerboats should head for the east side. Shallow-draft boats under 22 feet may be pulled up on shore; all others must anchor offshore, staying clear of vegetated areas as much as possible.
I see on maps that Sipson Island is close to the mainland. Can I cross over there?
No. The northwest side of the island does lie very near the mainland shore at The Narrows, but there is no public access to that shoreline. Swimming across The Narrows is dangerous (heavy boat traffic, strong tides).
Are there any facilities?
There are no toilets or running water on Sipson Island; all waste should be carried out. We encourage shorter visits; many other area beaches are suitable for all-day visits.
How is the island governed?
Sipson Island lies within the Town of Orleans and entirely within a state-designated Area of Critical Environmental Concern. The Orleans Conservation Commission is the local authority for the Massachusetts Wetlands Act and the ACEC. Other state and local ordinances are enforced by the Orleans Police Department or the Harbormaster. Activities on land owned by Sipson Island Trust are controlled by conservation restrictions held by the Orleans Conservation Trust. Other guidelines and restrictions on use of the island are set forth in the Land Management and Stewardship Plan (LMP) developed by SIT.
Can I rent a kayak or powerboat to travel to the island?
Kayak and paddleboard rentals are available. Because of safety and environmental concerns, SIT does not encourage renting powerboats to reach Sipson Island.
Can I land at either of the two docks?
The dock on the east side is private; no landing or tying up. The dock at the northern end of the island is primarily for SIT maintenance and program use; however, after it has been legally certified, this doc may be available for brief stops to unload and load passengers. Our website will be updated in that event.
Can I bring my dog?
Conservation restrictions prohibit bringing pets onto the island. See our guidelines about permitted and prohibited activities.
What will happen to the houses on the island?
With the exception of one private dwelling, all houses on the island will be demolished and the sites restored to their natural state.
Who can visit?
Quoting the LMP: “All members of the public are encouraged to appreciate, use, and conserve Sipson Island within the guidelines set forth herein and the Conservation Restrictions in effect. SIT will conduct management according to principles of equal opportunity, so that every interested individual or family—regardless of race, color, national origin, gender orientation, age, disability, or income resources—has an equal right to access lands open to the public on Sipson Island.”
How far is the island from the nearest public landing?
See access map; the nearest access point (for power and paddled boats) is the Orleans Town Landing at Paw Wah Pond (Portanimicut Road), 1.1 mi to the north end of Sipson Island. Parking at the landing is very limited; consider alternate options. For details on all the Orleans Town Landings, see Town of Orleans Coastal Access Guide
How should I plan a visit?
See our guidelines about boating safety. Be sure to check weather and wind conditions frequently; things can change very quickly around here! Many apps available; try the National Weather Service. Bring whatever you may need; take away everything you brought. Bring insect repellent in summer; biting flies are present.
Can I gather shellfish?
Shellfishing (and fishing) requires a license from the Town of Orleans. SIT doesn’t encourage shellfishing on the island, at least until we’ve evaluated the littoral and marine habitats.
Can I volunteer with Sipson Island Trust?
Yes! We hope to recruit volunteers for work on the ground as well as admin support. Please contact us.